
Rana-Style Shrimp

Still frozen...    

Halfway there...

 Ready to eat.  

Pasta and shrimp are two of my favourite things to make. Why? First of all, because they're pretty easy and simple to make, and second, because they taste great.


1 large pan
1 wooden spoon


1 package of frozen cooked shrimp (around 24 pieces of shrimp)
Extra-virgin olive oil
3 large pinches of paprika
1 large pinch of garlic powder
1 large pinch of ginger powder
Pepper flakes
Dried oregano

  1. Heat pan on high heat and add olive oil. Once hot enough, turn heat down to medium heat.
  2. Pour in shrimp. Stir and let them defrost. When there is too much water from the ice, pour it out, but not all of it!
  3. Once completely defrosted, add paprika, garlic powder and ginger powder to the shrimp. Let it sit, stirring often. Let the water that is left in the pan boil off and soak into the shrimp to give it extra flavour.
  4. Add the pepper flakes and oregano. Stir it around and you're done!
  5. OPTIONAL: serve with rice or salad. Enjoy!


  1. Mmmmmm.... that shrimp looks so good! I'm glad you chose to do shrimp because I think that shrimp is absolutely delicious!!!!! All those spices must have made it taste really good too!!!!!!!
    P.S. Could your next post be about some Christmas baking please?
    P.P.S. On Julia's blog, you said that you've had previous blogs before this one, I didn't know that!!! What were they about?

  2. hey Jade,
    I don't know if you'll read this reply comment, but I will definitely do a Christmas style baked good or meal! My mom also suggested that, and I think it is a great idea!
    My previous blogs were about chocolate and my summer vacations, but they are deleted now.

  3. Hey Rana!!! :)

    I thought I had left a comment on this post... but I guess my computer deleted it!!! Sorry! Well, here it is...

    Wow Rana!!! That shrimp looks utterly delicious!!! I wish I could just take all of your recipes right out of the screen and eat them!!! You are such an amazing and creative chef!!! YUMMY!!! :p

    P.s. I think that that's a really good idea to make something Christmas style for your next post! And I didn't know that you had other blogs! I wish that I could've read them! They would have been so very good!!! :)

  4. Hey Rana!!! :)

    I can't express how amazing your compliments make me feel!!! They are so lovely!!!!!! Thank-you soooooooooooooooooo very much!!!!!!!!! And how you said that my writing is very well written! Thank-you!!! As well as how you said that my photo was outstanding and that I'm an amazing photographer!!! Thank-you sooo very much!!! That's so kind of you!!! I want to continue my blog throughout high school, but I don't know if I'd get anybody who would read it!!! I know you would, and Jade probably would too! :) :) :)

    P.s. Guess what? Wait... I won't tell you... okay if you insist.................. I'M SOOOOO EXCITED FOR THE STRINGS CONCERT TONIGHT!!! AAAHHH!!! See you in 2 hours and 25 minutes!!! :) :) :)

  5. Great post, Rana! I hope I get a dinner invitation from you one day!

    ...and, to reply to the other comments, I promise to continue following your blogs for however long you decide to write them :)
