
Lime Mediterranean Linguine

The completed sauce still in the pan.

The completed Lime Mediterranean Linguine in a bowl.

Serves 3


a pot
a pan
2 wooden spoons
a large cutting board
a cheese grater + bowl


1/3 of a box of Catelli linguine (I used 1/2 the box and it was too many noodles and not enough sauce)
3 pieces garlic
3 large sweet pepers
1 cut up green onion (the whole one plant of one green onion cut up)
A full handful of feta cheese
25 cherry tomatoes
Balsamic vinegar
2 limes
Extra-virgin olive oil


  1. Prepare the linguine according to the box instructions. Pour out the water from to pot, and add some olive oil and mix so that it doesn't stick together. Make sure you put enough on.
  2. Heat the stove up to a medium heat and put the pan on.
  3. Cup up the garlic and onions with a knife. Also cut up the pepers until the size of an approx. 2x2 cm square. Grate the feta cheese into a bowl.
  4. Once the pan is heated up on the stove, add some olive oil and put in the garlic. It should be hot enough that the garlic sizzles and browns a bit. Quickly add the chopped up onion so as not to let the garlic burn, and stir.
  5. After a bit, add the pepers. Wait a while and stir it often.
  6. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half.
  7. Wait a minute or so after cutting the tomatoes in half and add the feta to the pan. Stir and then add the tomatoes.
  8. Wait for the juice of the tomatoes to come out and boil in the pan. Once this happens, you can scrape the sauce onto the linguine.
  9. Cut the limes in half and squeeze them into the pot of linguine and mix well. The lime adds a nice tang of flavor.


  1. Mmmmmm!!!! Oh my gosh Rana! That recipe looks so good! I like how you did a more savoury recipe this post instead of always doing sweet ones. How did it taste? I bet it was really good. When did you make it? All of your recipes always look so delicious! Where do you get your recipes? I also really like the photos you take of the finished product.

  2. Great post, Rana! Did you make this for your family? You are quite the chef, I must say...

  3. Ohhhhhh myyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!! That looks absolutely delectable!!! I wish that I could come over for dinner at your house!!! It looks soooo yummy, especially with the lime, feta and cherry tomatoes!!! Mmmmmmm!!! :D

  4. Thank-you for your comment on my blog, and I am glad that you will never look at a leaf the same way again... (in a good way of course!) :D Nice comment! :D

  5. The Lime Medditerrean Linguine looks so good! I think I'll have to make it myself! How did it taste? Your photos look professional! Thinking about the Perfect Cupcakes makes me drool! (not literally of course ;p)
    Awesome Blog!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Whoops... Typo... :)

    I meant:

    Whoa!!! You actually came up with the Meditteranean Linguine yourself?! Wow!!! :)

  8. This doesn't really have anything to do with your recipe, (which is amazing that you came up with the recipe yourself) but I love how your new follower picture says: 'I love Rana'. That's so cool!!!

  9. Thanks Jade and Austyn!! It was pure luck that I found that follower picture. I typed in Rana for google images and there it was.

  10. Yummy! Yummy! Yummy!

    That's amazing that you came up with the recipe yourself!! Good-job!


  11. Hello Rana!!! :)

    After re-reading my entries on my challenge that I made up a while ago... I am very happy to announce, that I have made you a winner for my challenge that I posted as well as Sarah!!! Your writing was very thought-provoking and well written!!! I should have made you a winner at the start, but I am glad that I have made you a winner now... You are very deserving of the title!!! Well done!!! :)

    P.s. I will give you and Sarah your prizes at school tomorrow!!! :) See you then!!! :)
