
Birthday Cake!!!!!

So, some pics of the cake I made...

As you can see, the 13th candle is missing in the middle of the completed cake. We only had 12... So we're out to get one more! And, as you can see in the above pictures, the cake is extremely flat. I used a different recipe than usual, because this one fit the cake pan that I wanted to use. But it will still taste great!


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY RANA!!!!!!!! Oh my gosh! That cake looks soooo good! What flavour is it? What are the redish and bluish and brown things surrounding the cake? Now that you're 13 you're teenager! What's the first thing you're going to do to show that you're a teenager? I guess we'll have to wait and see... Again, Happy Birthday Rana!

  2. Happy Birthday Rana! Hmmmmmmm... I want a piece!!!!!! LU, Baba

  3. To Jade: They're circles of fondant. And I don't think I'm going to be planning to show everyone that I'm a teenager. Thanks for the Happy Birthdays!
    To Baba: Thanks for taking the time to comment! Wish you could have a piece too!

    Rana :)
